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hitlers rise to power

The name Hitler stirs up many emotions inside the hearts of people. What could have made Hitler so hostile towards the Jews? Could it have been his unhappy childhood, frustrated adolecsnce, his artistic disappointment, rejection from the Jewish society or merely the wound he received on the front during World War I. Adolf Hitler or the incarnation of absolute evil became dictator of Germany in 1933 and prepared his nation for war and a Final Solution to the Jewish problem. Hitler posed a great threat to democracy and redefined the meaning of evil for eternity. Hitlers undeniable hatred for Jews crushed his dream of a third Reich and only created more anguish, and enmity among the people of Germany.World War I was a great disparagement to the German people. Despair increased as the army returned to a bankrupt country. Millions of Germans could not find work, and a weak republic had replaced the defeated Germany. The German people were humiliated and full of distress. They were looking for many ways to restore their dignity and pride, but little did they know that things would get much worse. The rain of inflation fell on the just and the unjust alike(Flood 313) By 1923, Germany was facing deep troubles. There was major inflation and the majority of the population was poverty stricken. Problems were beginning to escalate while Germany was in a dismal economic state, shops were closing and, no 1profits in production resulted in vast unemployment. Hungry and miserable the people turned to Hitler. He was a skillful schemer, politician, and organizer. This was Hitler's opportunity to preach amongst the German people. Hitler preached German superiority, more precisely to the Aryan race. Since the country was in total and complete chaos after the war, and was forced to pay billions of dollars in reparations, the German people saw some sort of hope in Hitler. Germany lost a large amount of its territory. The Empire was no m...

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