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history of berlin wall

Today people belong to the CNN generation. Any time an event happens inthe world today people turn to CNN. In recent years, the Gulf War, and the eventsin Bosnia have been headliners. In 1989, one event monopolized the airways ofCNN, THE FALL OF THE BERLIN WALL. I remember seeing this, and thinking how little I knew about this event. The fall of the Berlin Wall succeeded in oneaspect that today is still not been rectified; The Berlin Wall divided Berlin into twovery distinctively different cities. These cities both developed differently. Evenafter the wall was destroyed eight years ago the city still remained divided, and isstill divided today. Following World War II, the allies had begun this split that wasgreatly expanded following the building of the wall. The split of the city was wanted greatly by the Soviets, but not the other allies.When I joined the army being stationed in Germany didnt really appeal tome. I wanted to stay stateside, with little travel, Going on a one to two yearhardship overseas tour did not appeal to me. But after 1989, I put in request to besent to Germany. I arrived in January 1990 three months after the wall collapsed. When I visited the wall five questions about the wall and German society surfaced; First what was the background of the wall why was it created, secondhow and when was the wall constructed, and of what material, third what were themeasurements of the wall, Berlin is a huge city, fourth the aspects around the fall ofthe wall, and the actual fall , and fifth after riding the Berlin sub-way, how did thesetunnels affect the travel within the city, and the differing cultures of the two differingcities of East and West Berlin . In this examination I will finally answer thesequestions that I asked my self seven years ago. These questions all center aroundthe aspect of Berlin becoming Two cities following World War II. Berlin, eight years after the fall of the illustrious wall is now...

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