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benjamin franklin

Benjamin Franklin was born on January 17, 1706, in Boston, Massachusetts. He was the tenth born into a large family whose father was a soap and candle maker. Although he received some formal education, he was principally self-taught. He managed to teach himself simple algebra and geometry, logic, navigation, history, science, English grammar and five other languages. After being an apprentice to his father between the ages of ten and twelve, he went to work for his half brother, James, who was a printer. In 1721, they founded The New England Courant, and Benjamin secretly contributed fourteen essays to it which were his first published writings. In 1723, he moved to Philadelphia where he was employed as a printer. He later moved to London for a short time before returning to Philadelphia where he rose quickly in the printing industry. He published the "Pennsylvania Gazette" and the famous "Poor Richards Almanac". He married Deborah Reed and she didnt slow him down at all from continuing to be successful. He gained recognition for many things including providing civic causes such as libraries and educational institutions. Benjamin Franklin has many famous quotes that are still used today including, " A penny saved is a penny earned", "God helps them that help themselves", and "Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead." His energetic and tireless attitude kept him gong. He conducted scientific studies of electricity and made several important discoveries. Franklin was considered untouched in American as an inventor until Thomas Edison. He invented the Franklin stove, bifocals, and the lighting rod and yet he refused to profit from his inventions just wanted people to enjoy them. Thomas Jefferson called Benjamin Franklin "The greatest man and ornament of the age and country in which he lived."Benjamin Franklin was very involved in politics and well respected in the area. From the years 1757-62 and 1764-75, he liv...

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