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World War I3

World War II was a major event in European history. It changed the world forever. The events would shape Europe until the Second World War. There were severe consequences of this war. These consequences can be broken into social, political, economic and psychological consequences. WWI definitely was a pivotal point in history. There were many social effects of World War I. Women became the majority of the work force. All of the men went to the military so someone had to work in the factories. These women gained equal pay also in these factories. This was a big step in the equality of women. The rise of women at home gave birth to flappers. These were sexually independent women who dressed in very revealing clothes and had many sexual partners. In 1918 women’s suffrage was granted also. In addition to women taking over the work force, unions became more expected. Unions grew larger and accomplished more. They gained workers rights and got women equal pay. Socialist unions especially, became very common. In fact, in April of 1917 there was strike in Berlin of 200,000 people due to the unions. Since there was already a shortage in workers, the unions could get most everything they wanted. Social classes started to become equal due to the war. When a country enters a war, the internal divisions of the country disappear and the greater good of the whole country is put into focus. This led to the bottom society gaining improvements in living. Although this quote came later in history, it well summarizes the attitude of a country during war. To quote JFK, ”Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” War unites countries and brings all classes together. There were also many political effects of WWI. Britain and France wanted to punish Germany with unreasonable war reparations and territory loss. The US did not want this. Wilson devised his 14 Points Plan but was rejected b...

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