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Woodrow Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt

Woodrow Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt were two of Americas great presidents. This is why I feel that both men were equally important in what they did and said they would do. Both in their own ways have added a little of what makes this country what it is today. Both had their own beliefs of how reform, empowerment of the people and foreign policy should be accomplished. As president, the main goal was to do what they felt best for the American people. In doing so, how different could they really be?To me, the empowerment of the people means giving people their rights, and in doing so making their lives a little better. Both men were considered to be "trust busters". By stopping illegal businesses they were able to protect the consumer. The nineteenth amendment, put in place by Wilson, protected women's right to vote. He also argued laws to help protect their health and the morals of women. Roosevelt believed in the "square deal giving individuals greater economic opportunities and settling the coal strike in 1902. Both men believed in helping people, though in different ways, both achieved the things they set out to do.Both of the men were involved greatly in progressive reform. For the most part they were the same. Both thought that reform was necessary, but the way that they went about it was different. For example, Wilson ratified the eighteenth amendment, which was the prohibition, outlawing liquor from being manufactured, sold, or transported. Roosevelt never would have approved it; he did try to outlaw football because of the injury that it caused. Instead of being outlawed, he compromised on structured rules. Both men were concerned with child labor. Both men organized investigations into child labor and later formed the federal childrens bureau, let by Roosevelt, and the Keating-Owen child labor act, outlawing the shipment of goods made by child labor, put in place by Wilson. Wilson wanted to lower tariffs, ...

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