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Wilsons League of Nations

The Versailles Treaty, an agreement for peaceful terms among the warring nations of World War I, was extinguished by the insatiable desires of all parties involved. Woodrow Wilson, an inflexible, idealistic, righteous President was up against the vengeful Allies. Each with their own imperialistic views conflicted as peace negotiations began. Wilson wanting to make the world safe for Democracy swooped into Paris to negotiate his Fourteen Points, leaving the Republicans impotent state back in the United States. Thus, Wilsons ideas faced great opposition by the Big Business Republican Party fearful he was going to run for reelection and by the Allies whom were looking to occupy German territory. It became apparent that the Allies were far more concerned with imperialism than the idealism Wilson pushed for in the League of Nations. This League leads to the basic understanding to the failure of the Versailles Treaty. The League of Nations faced great resistance first by the Allies and later the Republicans, which led to the Wilson -Lodge feud, the ultimate cause of destruction. Woodrow Wilson was thought to have a Messiah complex due to his desire to dictate peace and his unwillingness to compromise. At the end of World War I he compiled Fourteen Points, ultimately as propaganda. His main goal was to make the world safe for Democracy, in other words, extend Americas power and ideals through foreign nations. Of these Fourteen Points the most important was the League of Nations, an attempt to reorder the world. However, a great opponent of this Wilsonian League was Henry Cabot Lodge, a Republican opponent. Ultimately, many of the obstacles Wilson faced could have been over come had he publicly admitted he was not running for reelection once his prominence grew if the League was authorized. He also would have avoided defeat if he had been more willing to compromise with the republicans and added on a few revisions. Once the treaty was fabrica...

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