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Why is Nubia Unknown

Nubian civalization lasted 4400 years so why is it unkown? There are several reasons some of wich The most significant reason is simplepredijice. Another reason is its isolation. Also wehave yet to decipher Nubias writing. Finnally many ofthe records we have of Nubia were written by itsenemys.It is almost always the conquerers who write thehistory. As a result many of the ancient records placeNubia in an unfair light, and are not very trustworthysources.We know Nubian writing, developed in Mero sometimearound 170 BCE, is alphabetic. We even know the soundvalues for each of the letters. However scholars arestill unable to decipher the language.Nubia is very isolated geographicly. It issurounded by deadly desert. Cateracts block travlealong the Nile river. Its only neighboringcivalization is Egyt. Because of this isolation littlewas known of Nubia in anceint times, except fantasticlegends of gold and wealth.By far the greatest reason for are lack ofknowledge of Nubian civalization is simple pedjudice. As far back a Greek times the black race has beenseen as infieror, and thus unworthy of the attention ofhistorians. Indeed there is little mention of Nubia inthe written records of western civalization from thetime it was Cristianized in the 6th century till the19th. Because of this predjidce scholars regardedNubian civalization as inferior, derived almostcompletly from the (white) Egyptian culture. Thislead to claims as far fetched as (white) Libiandecended kings ruling Nubia. The only reason Nubiabegan to get some atention by scholars was when damsthreatened to flood unexcavated sites forever. Stillas late as 1960 only one Americain scholar was workingin Nubian study. Thankfully this trend is changing,and we are begining to get a more accurate, lesspredjudiced ...

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