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Warren G Harding

David’s opinion on the presidency of Warren G. Harding When most people probably think about the 29th president they might say, “Who the hell is that?” but you as my second period history teacher would know right off the bat who he is (or I think so). In some opinions as from American historians he is viewed as “The worst in the nations ever experienced, worse than that of Ulysses Grant, worse than even than of the president that was forced to resign, Richard Nixon ”(Murray, 389)!What can you say about Scandals; go ahead say it give it a try (skandal) see how the words are summoned out of your throat and out through your lips (Patrick, brain). Well you might ask yourself why is he asking me to do this? Well then I say to you that scandal is nothing more then something, which brings disgrace when, exposed to the public. To you that know Warren G. Harding then you’ll know why I asked you of this action. Because while he served in presidency to the United States of America there were a lot of things that were scandalized and criticized while in office, but the biggest was the criteria of his not so wisely picked staff or in official terms his cabinet.In U.S. history, oil reserve scandal began during the administration of President Harding. In 1921, by executive order of the President, control of naval oil reserves at Teapot Dome, Wyo., and at Elk Hills, Calif. was transferred from the Navy Dept. to the Dept. of the Interior (Murray, )*. Wow was it a wonder did he actually know what he was doing or was it just stupidity? President Wilson had set the oil reserves aside for the navy. In 1922, Albert B. Fall, U.S. Secretary of the Interior, leased, without competitive bidding, the Teapot Dome fields to Harry F. Sinclair, an oil operator, and the field at Elk Hills, Calif., to Edward L. Doheny. These transactions became (1922–23) the subject of a Senate invest...

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