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Truman 33rd President of the US

Harry Truman, a president who witnessed and was a part of some of the most and world history, is said to have had a reputation for being anhonest and efficient man. Born in the town of Lamar, Missouri on May 8, 1884, Trumanwas used to living a humble life. Growing up as a Baptist on a farm near Independence,Missouri, Truman was the eldest of three children. His parents were John and MarthaTruman. As a youth, Truman had weak eyesight which resulted in keeping him out of theregular army. Truman, in 1905, then decided to join the Missouri National Guard. Heended up serving in World War I as the commander of an artillery battle. Upon his returnin 1919, Truman married his best childhood friend Elizabeth Bess Virginia Wallace. Thetwo married at the ages of 35 and 34, respectively. Eventually, they had one daughter,Mary Margaret, in 1924. Around the time of his marriage, Truman went into businesswith an army friend and opened a mens clothing store in Kansas City. The stored faileddue to the farm economy. Later on in his career, Truman, a Democrat, ran for Missouri county judge andspent more than a decade doing that. In 1934 he was elected U.S. Senator and wasre-elected in 1940. During this time his reputation began to grow as an honest andefficient man. Truman served as Vice President in 1944, underneath Franklin DelanoRoosevelt, who was in his fourth term as President. Trumans running mate for this racewas Alben Barkley of Kentucky. On April 12, 1945, Franklin Delano Roosevelt died, leaving Harry Truman asAmericas next president. Unfortunately, Roosevelts untimely death left Truman in theposition of president during the closing days of World War II. He had a lot of work to dowith respect to rebuilding and repairing the war-weary country. Truman accomplished many things while in office, including the successfulbombing of Japan. Though Roosevelt began the Manhattan Project, which consisted ofconstructing the worlds first a...

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