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The Rise and Fall Of Hitler

The Rise and Fall of Hitler Adolf Hitler did not come to power in the traditional revolutionary manner. He attempted to take control by force one time and failed. This landed him in prison. The second time Hitler was ready and by manipulation and lies he got himself elected to political office. By March 23, 1933 Hitler was dictator. The rise and sudden fall of Hitler had a sensational effect on people and nations around the world.Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 in Braunau, Austria. His mother was Klara Hitler and father was Alois Hitler. Alois worked as a customs officer on the border crossing. Hitler’s ancestors were peasants, small independent farmers or village craftsmen. His father was the first to break away. Contrary to the impression Hitler conveyed in Mein Kampf, he was neither poor nor harshly treated. His father advanced steadily in the service, and ended the highest rank open to a civil servant of his education. He had a secure income as well as the social standing of an imperial official and when he died he left his widow and children well provided for. His mom was twenty-two years younger than his father. Hitler was a choirboy, in the Benedictine Monastery of Lambach. Hitler did not do well in school. One of the teacher in his high school classified young Hitler as notorious and willful. Adolf saw no real reason to stay in high school. He left school at age sixteen without a leaving certificate. In September 1907, Hitler left home taking with him all the money left to him by his father, who had died a few years earlier. The money would be enough for tuition and board at the art school in Vienna. Hitler applied for entrance to the school two times and was rejected both times. His artist career was over. Hitler then abandoned any thought of further education.In 1913, Hitler moved to Munich, life for him was not great there until the First World War started in 1914. While many people were fri...

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