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The Grapes of Wrath

This event occurred in the era of the Great Depression in the United States, which was in the late 1920’s and early 1930’s, when the whole nation had to go through hardships because of the scarce resources in the country. Beginning with the stock market crash of 1929, poverty and oppression spread across the nation like a wild fire taking everyone by surprise. The Dust Bowlhelped continue this movement.Many different things caused this event. For example, when the GreatDepression occurred, many peoples land were taken away leaving thempenniless and forced into poverty. In this case, the Joads were kicked off theirland by the bank, which owned it because the drought from the Dust Bowl hadmade their farming unprofitable. In response to this event, many families from the South traveledthousands of miles from their homes to seek opportunity in California. The Joadswere one family who traveled to California, by means of Route 66 because theyheard rumors about it. On the way there, they experienced interfamily conflictsthat were mainly caused by the conflicts that had been occurring in the nation’ssociety around them. The opposing forces were basically all the people themselves. Theyopposed the fact that they had to change their entire lives because of theeconomic shortage. For most people, this had just creept up by surprise andthey were unprepared for it. In most cases, the opposing forces seem to be thebad people who cause conflict with something already occurring, but notnecessarily in this case. This time around the conflict is being forced on thepeople and these people are the ones who are opposing, not so much creatingthe conflict. One person who played a major roll of this event was the president at thetime of country destruction, Mr. Herbert C. Hoover. The people believed that itwas because of him this depression was caused, so the author uses his name asone of the cities in the book called Hooverville. It was th...

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