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The Confederation

There were many foreign and domestic difficulties the United States suffered under the articles of Confederation, and very few accomplishments. Many of the difucitities were caused by Britain and the accomplishments summed up in one ordinance.Most difficulties were caused by money problems. The United States was $160 million in debt and had no taxes to pay this debt off. At first, the United States bowered money and printed Continentals, United States currency. Ninety-eight percent of the Continentals value was destroyed between 1776-1781 due to a lack of public faith. In 1781 Robert Morris, superintendent of finance, tried to pass a 5% national import duty, but he did not succeed. All states had to ratify any tax law and Rhode Island alone vetoed it in 1782. In the Newburgh conspiracy Alexander Hamilton and Robert Morris secretly persuaded army officers in 1783 in Newburgh, New York to threaten a coup d’ etat unless they were paid. George Washington found out and delivered a speech that appealed to his officers’ honor, thus ending the plot. Because of an 80% decline in donations to the government in 1783, Congress tried to send out another tax measure but New York blocked it. The Confederation tried to pry trade concessions from Britain. This is because before the war, sixty percent of all United States cargo went to the West Indies and after the war; Britain did not allow the United States to bring cargo to the West Indies. High taxes were placed on cargo exported to Great Britain and all cargo must be sent on British ships through British ports. Because over 50% of United States exports went to Britain, the United States went into a depression in 1784. Britain’s’ economy increased at the Americans expense. Overall, the biggest problem with the Articles of Confederation was that there was no budget or provisions made for economic problems.There were only a few good outcomes of the articles of C...

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