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Womens rights in America have always been a major issue throughout history. Womens rights have been closely linked with human rights throughout . This violation ofWomens rights is apparent in the fight for suffrage in the late 1800s-early 1900s . It canbe said that the government denying the vote to women is a human right offense becausethe right to vote is a natural right that comes with citizenship. To deny a certain groupbased on race, age, or gender is deny them of their basic rights and therefore taking thestance that they are second-class citizens if they are citizens at all. . The fight for suffragewas a human rights struggle for more than just the right to vote. They were also strivingfor a right to equal treatment as men politically. Women wanted to be recognized as beinga political force able to change the country if they so chose.Suffrage can be documented as starting as far back as 1776, with Abigail Adams. She wrote to her husband John, who was attending the Continental Congress, asking thathe and the other men remember the ladies In response, the Declaration is worded as allmen are created equal: Although this was seen by the men as a joke between husbandand wife, it was a blatant refusal of women as citizens of the country.In he 1800s womens rights were furthered by the Married Womans PropertyAct which was passed by Maryland in 1839. This law gave women the right to retainpersonal property even within marriage. Now, the husband could not come into control ofthe womens property and sell it when married. This law was important because itrecognized the fact that women had the right to personal property even if there was a manattached to them.The origins of what we would determine as the suffrage movement began in 1848with the Seneca Falls Convention, which was held in Seneca Falls New York in July of1848. Many of those who attend sign a Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions thatoutlines the main issues and...

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