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In London in June of 1606, King James I, the reigning monarch of England, issued what would forever change the lives and destiny of the world. The king granted a group of entrepreneurs a charter, allowing them to settle the vastly unknown lands of the newly discovered continent of America. In 1607, a group of ill-suited settlers landed in the Chesapeake region of North America and established the colony of Jamestown. Ravaged by starvation, disease, and natives, the hapless settlers found little success in the early years of the colony. Only through John Smiths leadership and poise did the colony manage to survive the first few grueling years. John Rolfes contributions ultimately saved the colony, as he was able to tame and cultivate tobacco. The settlement became dependent on farming various products. As Englands insatiable appetite grew, Jamestown grew to large-scale farming techniques such as plantation agriculture. It soon became evident that a steady work force would be needed to keep up with the demand of Europe. In 1619, an institution was introduced to the colony that would forever challenge the posterity of the land, altering the scope of future American society for years to come. It is in this year that the first few African slaves arrived in the unknown continent of America. Slavery became firmly established in southern society, relied upon for economic well-being. Through years of degradation, the slaves continued their lives of discrimination and humiliation. Yet these people survived the years of oppression, creating an incredible culture that lasted through their tumultuous existence in America. The evil of slavery reared its ugly face throughout early United States history. The push for freedom grew with the aid of abolitionists who attempted to root out a corruption that appeared to consume their benevolent country. In this sea of trouble, Frederick Douglas arose to fight against this demon seed of slaver...

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