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During the course of this semester many revolutions have been discussed. The most important revolutions in my opinion are the Productionrevolution and the Scientific revolution. Both revolts have triggered an“unlocking” of human opportunities and experiences. Under the scientific revolution many philosophers enlightenedpeople by coming up with new ideas of what the world is really about,nonetheless what we (the people) suppose to do. One philosopher that hada major impact during the “Enlightenment” was Copernicus. He causedchaos by questioning the earth being the center of the universe. His theorywas that the sun was the center. This challenged the church and back inthose days the church was power. This scientific revolt involved everyonebecause now people were thinking for themselves rather than letting thechurch ruling the people. Once this breakthrough occurred more andmore people were becoming independent, taking chances with askingquestion about everything and also inventing things. For example, thetelescope was an invention that was created by Gallileo (a philosopher whohelped support Copernicus’s theory). The printing press which enabledphilosopher as well as others to print books for people to read and learn.The other revolution that had an effect was the Productionrevolution. This wasn’t the same type of revolt as the previous one Imentioned about. The production revolution was sort of needed. Duringthe times of this revolt agriculture, commercial, and industrializationplayed a major part. These categories were key in everything changing. The whole style of farming changed once we (the people) thought ofdifferent ways of thinking. Because of people having open minds duringthis age we learned how to rotate our crops. This enabled us to eat moreleisurely as opposed to before when we had to eat on because of demand. This revolution let us eat 50% of what we grew and sell 50%. T...

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