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Retarding Lead

Many societies in the history of the world have undergone a period of development. Usually, an area goes from an underdeveloped region to a modern civilization. Outside influences are major contributors to a society's development. Their acceptance and appreciation of these foreign assets enhance their culture. Eventually developed societies can not cope with rapid changes. Their difficulty in changing leads to their demise. Nothing fails like success. Anthropologists have coined a term for such a situation. The Law of the Retarding Lead is when the most successful societies have problems in changing and retaining their lead in a period of transition. On the other hand, less successful societies benefit form this period of transition. They forge ahead and become a prominent society. The Law of the Retarding Lead is evident in a few societies. Its effects are staggering. The Law of the Retarding Lead affects each country in the same manner. Ultimately, this law can change an entire civilization. The Law of the Retarding Lead is strikingly obvious in the Moslem civilization. Until the seventh century AD, the people of Arabia had never played a major role in the development if the Middle East. They lived in an area that was mainly covered by deserts. In the sixth century, the Arabs had not yet reached the high level of civilization that the Hebrews, Egyptians, and other people of the Middle East had attained centuries earlier. However, in the seventh century AD, Mohammed was responsible for initiating significant changes within the Arabic civilization. During this period, the Arabs conquered Persia, Mesopotamia, Egypt, and North Africa. Mohammed recruited followers and increased the wealth of his religion. Arabian armies continued their success in Central Asia, India, Southeast Asia, Spain, South France, and Central France. The Arabs were magnificent warriors. They were inspired by the attainment and the seizure of ...

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