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 Chris Walters 1April99 HIS121 Western Civilization During the Sixteenth century, a widespread Religious reformation took It was between the Catholics and the Protestants. Areformation is a 16th century religious movement marked ultimately by rejection ormodification of some Roman Catholic doctrine and practice and establishment of theProtestant churches. This particular Reformation separated the Christians of WesternEurope into Protestants and Catholics. Some of the major Reformations of the Sixteenthcentury were the Catholic Reformation, the Genevan Reformation, German Reformation,English Reformation, and the Swiss Reformation, also known as the ZwinglianReformation. They all shared some similar characteristics, while also having somedifferent characteristics.During the Sixteenth century corruption was widespread throughout all ofWestern Europe. Clergy men, popes, and priests were all sinning alike. Greed, sex, abuseof power were just some of these abuses. The Reformations sought to eliminate theseabuses. In each of these reformations, Royalty played a part in it. In the CatholicReformation, taking place in Spain and Italy, Queen Isabel of Spain brought the churchfurther under the crown’s control than ever before. Her reason for Reformation was toraise the intellectual and moral standards of the church. In the German Reformation,Martin Luther was the leader, and he split the church into two groups the Catholic andProtestant. He had protested that some of the clergy were selling indulgences (temporalpardons of sins) without making clear that people must also be sincerely repentant forthose sins. He’s most famous for his list of 95 indulgences that he nailed to the door ofthe catholic church. In Switzerland Zwinglian lead th...

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