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Since the beginning of written history, man has witnessed persecution in many forms. The most infamous example of persecution is the Holocaust. During the Holocaust, a systematic killing of Jews killed 6 million in 10 years. It has been over 50 years since the Holocaust ended and yet again we see much of the same thing, albeit on a smaller scale, in Kosovo. Kosovo is located in a historically turbulent and violent part of the planet. The Balkans have caused many wars and skirmishes, the most notable being World War I after the assignation of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand of Austria. This, coupled with the Balkans already fragile ethnic mixing, has left the Balkans a bomb ready to explode. Since February of 1998, President Slobodan Milosevic of Serbia has conducted a military campaign against the people of Kosovo, which is a province of Serbia. It is here where the Balkans already strained ethnic mix boils over. The majority of Serbia is Greek Orthodox Christian while the majority of Kosovo is Muslim. This ethnic mix has always been strained and Milosevic has ordered his army to conduct an ethnic cleansing campaign to drive out the Kosovo Muslims and kill those who dont leave. This campaign of terror is designed to destroy an entire culture and it has come very close to doing just that. In a little over a year, over 650,000 refugees have fled Kosovo telling stories of murder, rape, robbery, and torture. This is essentially what the Nazis did to the Jews, Gypsies, and Homosexuals at the beginning of the Holocaust. After the Holocaust, the world community said never again, yet little more than 50 years later we have turned a deaf ear on the plight of the Kosovo Muslims.The North Atlantic Treaty Organization consists of 19 countries. All of these nations have condemned Milosevics actions in Kosovo and have just in the last month, launched air strikes against Serbia. The airstrikes were initiated with the notion that Serbia would quickly col...

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