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Modernizing China

The belief systems that have been given rise to in China are religions thought out for thousands of years. All of them are different from each other, but also interlaced. Many scholars and thinkers spent a whole life devoted to further developing a way of thinking. Certain religions a take small part from others, and in the case of Neo- Confucianism, it takes whole parts and fuses them together. Chinese people in history have shown their devotion to religion. They have also shown their lack of interest in corresponding with other nations. There are many reasons why they have chosen not to be influenced by the west, especially when it comes to religion. Even though Chinese people have largely been devoted to old ways and old ways of thinking, they have invented many of the modern tools. As the west pushed to advance science and technology in a race against each other, China pushed to advance themselves. China did not modernize in the same way as the West, they studied the ancient ways until they were satisfied with their own intellect. Tools were invented out of need in China, not for understanding science, or to produce excess material.Neo- Confucianism was developed in Sung times when they felt that they were being influenced by the West. Chinese people have always felt like independent people, even in extremely hard times. They can always turn to their religion for power. If the system is getting too relaxed, then there is always a possibility to turn to old ways. Scholars and thinkers were able to revive old ways of thinking or practicing and by instituting those ideas into civil service exams and by other means to filter down to the common people. Neo- Confucianism takes from Taoism and Buddhism, but extends much farther than that. It focuses on the self and that things in this world can be understood, even by a common man. By focusing on the self first, it would allow a person to understand worldly things, and t...

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