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Modern World

The study of world history is very important to us as Americans because it is helps us understand who we are and what helped us to get where we are. Also it helps us understand who we are as a culture and where we come from. Many people are different and share their different point of views. People have different religions and different ways of living. With the different ways of living and different religions there is a lot of racism and ethnic violence in America today. I feel this a very important issue in the world today because we as Americans need to tie together and become as a team.While I take this course I hope to learn more about the different cultures and where they were originated from. If I learn where different cultures originated from and how they live their everyday life this can help me learn on how their life is lived and give me a vision of what their lives are really like. For example the people in Somalia are starving for food and will work all day for a simple meal, while most Americans eat food as if it was an everyday thing. As you can see all people have something a little different in them. I think it's very important for people to know their own roots. It is also important for us to learn about our government as well as other countries. This is another important thing that I would like to learn and understand by taking this class. We must learn about the leaders of different countries because many leaders from the past have taken a significant influence on our world's history. The biggest leader who sticks out in my head is Hitler who lead Germany to believe in the Aryan race. This lead to many deaths of Jewish people at concentration camps. If we would have learned more abut Hitler and his views we might have been able to sway him from his ways, or maybe even taken him out before the large death tolls of Jewish people at the concentration camps. We must learn these government believes and kno...

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