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McWorld Vs Jihad

JihadSignificant historical processes shape the world and society. The contemporary world is what we make it. Each action by our country, culture, society results in change. According to Benjamin Barber, there are two major forces shaping humans socially, and spiritually; the McWorld and Jihad. McWorld is a term for the commercial collective of the world, and Jihad, an Arab word for “crusade”, is used to symbolize all of nationalist, fundamentalist, ethnocentric, and tribal rejections of McWorld . McWorld is a scenario of commercial and technological interdependence. It is a virtual paradise consisting of spreading markets and global technology1. Barber states that half the time the world is striving for this McWorld but at the same time it is destroying the human spirit, turning us into mindless robots of conformity. The people who support this goal are the creators of the “new gods”: KFC, McDonalds, MTV1. It shapes the world because at one point, this goal of virtual paradise is linking the human race together for technological advancement and interdependency. However at the same time it is taking our values and twisting them to the point where mass murders and acts of terrorism effects us on a lower scale than that of a stock merger. Jihad consists of the all the “crusades” of tribes and peoples fighting for Babel1. Babel is the world that is full of ideals: all that is against technology, pop-culture, and modernity itself1. The world, however, will not work solely on one side of the McWorld-Jihad spectrum. The solution, according to Barber, is the ideology of Nationalism1. Barber goes on stating that, “Nationalism established government on a scale greater than the tribe yet less cosmopolitan than the universal church and in time and birth to those intermediate, gradually more democratic institutions that would come to constitute the nation-state”. Additionally, Ba...

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