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Japanese Internment1

December 7th, 1941 was a day in history that would be remembered by all. The day that the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor will stay in our minds for as long as we live. After the Japanese had bombed Pearl Harbor the Americans had learned that there was a spy that enabled the Japanese to get such precise targeting on Pearl Harbor and destroy many of the ships. After the report of a spy being in Hawaii the United States decided that they would not take any chances and had made a suggestion of eliminating all of the Japanese Americans in the United States. Their acts were very similar to those of Hitler’s, but without all of the murders. On February 19th, 1942, President Roosevelt issued the document known as Executive Order 9066. This document let the War Department classify anyplace in the country as a military area and bar people in those areas. The only problem is that the only people that were barred were the Japanese Americans and no other races. The evacuation included 112,000 Japanese Americans. The Japanese American families were told to pack as much as they can carry and were then told to sell the rest of their property for whatever they could get. After the families had packed and sold there personal properties the armed forces moved them from their homes to receiving stations, where they then boarded on buses or trains and were taken to fair grounds or race tracks where families might be housed in horse stalls. Then they were sent to one of the ten relocation camps on the western side of the United States. The camps were in remote areas that were unsuitable for farming, surrounded by fences, and guarded by the army. When they had arrived at the camps they went to wooden barracks that were divided into one-room apartments where an entire family lived. There was almost no furniture and only a bare bulb for light. The toilets, bathing facilities, and dining areas were shared by many of the families living in th...

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