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JFK Conspiracy

Time after time again we are told in our schools, our homes, and by our media that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in the assassination of former President John F. Kennedy. How can this conclusion by made about a case that was never completely solved? If we as Americans accept the government given "truth," such as in this case, without questioning how they came to their conclusion, then what would stop the government from altering other "truths" given to the general public. Why wouldn't they instead help out their own cause instead of the helping out the good of the country by creating false conclusions that would aid their selfish motives. This is why it is essential that we as Americans must not accept the single assassin theory given to us regarding John F. Kennedy's assassination. Friday, November 22, 1963, as the president was traveling through the city of Dallas, Texas, hundreds of spectators lined the streets to watch President John F. Kennedy parade through in his presidential limousine. More than half of the spectators were using cameras trying to capture the brief moment when the president, the first lady, and Texas Governor John Connally's rare motorcade passed by. At about 12:30 just as the secret service was beginning to pat themselves on the back for completing a successful parade, a gun shot was fired, striking the president in the upper back. Slightly more than one second later a second shot rang out, and Governor Connally collapsed into his wife's arms. Finally, a third shot was fired that struck the president in the back of the skull causing massive brain damage and ultimately, death. (Waggoner, p.8)Less than two hours later the Dallas police arrested the thought to be assassin Lee Harvey Oswald, taking him into custody. Police found a rifle and three shells from the rifle in the sixth floor of the Texas Depository building, about 100 feet from where the President was shot. After doing ballistic tests on...

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