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In Solitary Witness

In the next few pages, from reading “In Solitary Witness,” I will endeavor to answer the following questions: 1.In your own words give a brief biography of Franz Jagerstatter placing him in his time and place. 2.Discuss what you believe were the primary reasons why Jagerstatter refused to serve in the German army. 3.What were the attitudes of his community toward his stand? 4.What was the attitude of his church and church officials regarding his stand? 5.What were the attitudes of his family toward his stand? 6.What enabled Jagerstatter to sustain his stand against the advice of family, friends, community, church, and state? 7.Why do you believe that Jagerstatter was so alone in his stand and why so few others took his position? 8.What do you see as the historical significance of the Life and Death of Franz Jagerstatter? What does that historical significance tell us about the relationship of the individual to the modern nation state and the ability of that individual to live true to his or her values or principles? Franz Jagerstatter was an Austrian peasant living as a farmer at the time of World War II. He was a little wild during his younger years, but settled down, got married and had three children. He was a religious man, deeply committed to his faith. That faith, coupled with his perception of the scriptures he read was chiefly responsible for the stand he took against serving in the German army.Jagerstatter refused to serve in the German army during World War II, because he believed the Nazis were evil and the war was unjust. Fighting in an unjust war was in conflict with his faith. He was imprisoned and eventually executed for his refusal to serve. He was well aware of the consequences of his decision from the beginning. Considering Jagerstatter’s position in life, it is remarkable how well he presented his objection. Jagerstatter’s point of view is clearly portrayed in his letters. He resolve is quite...

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