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The second wave of immigrants to come to the United States came in from Southern or Eastern Europe. These immigrants came to the United States seeking better economic opportunities for their families. The economy of the United States was driven by the culture that resided in the area. In the Seattle area, the farming, ranching, logging and fishing industries drove the economy. This was mainly due to the huge growth of Oregon and Washington by settlers coming in from the European countries. The mining market of San Francisco also grew during this time because of the willingness of the immigrants to pursue hard-working, heavy labor jobs. The Hispanic population was primarily responsible for the cattle and sheep ranching market. Many of the rancheros were family run. In addition, there was a large Mestizo population comprised of mixed Hispanic and Indian blood. The Mestizos kept the farming community and the Catholic Religion in tact to preserve their Hispanic heritage.The Mexicans migrated into Texas to work in the railway track gangs. This type work was backbreaking labor in very low paying positions.Immigrants have studied America’s political system for many years. The early years of the 1900’s had an increased emphasis on politics. European immigrants brought their own religion and ethnic background to politics. The Germans campaigned to keep their language while the native-born Americans wanted English to be the standard language. Ethnic and religious backgrounds shaped the political system more than the Democrats and Republicans. Ward politics began with each unit of the city governance enlisting one of its representatives on the city council. It was determined that each immigrant belonged to a ward and a spokesman at city hall. The alderman kept in close contact with the immigrants and assured that their needs were met. The party machines were very strong in the Black and immigrant communities. Tamma...

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