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Over time there have been many influential leaders who have changed the course of history. These leaders contained great leadership qualities, which allowed them to achieve their goals. But their success has also been questioned due to the effects and characteristics of the time period. Some historians believe that the success of these leaders is due to their person characteristics, while others believe that their success was due to the conditions of the society in which these leaders lived. One leader, whose success is controversial, is Adolph Hitler. Hitler’s success can be seen as his own through to his charismatic qualities, military tactics and the holocaust. All three of these topics were original to him and made him a notorious leader and gained him success. Hitler’s success can also be due to the horrible conditions in Germany at the time of his rise to power. The failure of the economy, extreme nationalism and the fragile government of Germany in the 1920’s and 30’s could also be seen as the reason for Hitler’s success(Wepman 98). The end of W.W.I left Germany in economic debt, suffering to survive. The Treaty of Versailles blamed Germany for the war and required them to pay for all the reparations. With many unemployed and homeless, the country was in economic ruins(Heck 120). To try and end their suffering, the German government printed more money, which in turn caused inflation and more problems. When the Great Depression hit Germany in the early 1930’s the German economy was in horrible shape. Many Germans were left unemployed, homeless and practically hopeless. The depression just added to German debts and despair. These economical conditions in Germany created a perfect scenario for Hitler to gain power and influence(Heck 124). With the government in debt and unemployment growing everyday, the Germans were looking for a strong, powerful leader to take control. Hitler promised...

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