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Guns of August

The Guns of August by Barbara Tuchman Barbara Tuchman’s “Guns of August” is about World War 1. Her book has aunique way of telling this story. Her books gives explanations for each country’sinvolvement in the war. It describes the opinions of the Czar and reasons for all of hiscrucial decisions during this time. It also explains how Germany was in a tight spot andprepared for war a few years before it actually began. England was not to worried about the war in Europe because it had it’s ownproblems. The English people didn’t think it was necessary for them to enter the war.However England got involved to try to protect the weak country of Belgium beingattacked by Germany.Germany was in a very difficult position because much of Europe was at odds withit. Germany was prone to attack for two reasons, according to Barbara Tuchman. Onereason is that it is geographically in the center of Europe and between its enemies.Another is that it held on to territories that once belonged to France. This put France andGermany at odds.She also explains that Russia was militaristically weak. However, there was a typeof myth that Russia was invincible (according to the author). France slightly believed thismyth. They formed an alliance with Russia because in part of this myth and also because itwas better for two to face off with Germany than France alone.I like this book very much because it goes into great detail. She explains vividly theevents occurring that were crucial in deciding the outcome of the war. She also writes instory form just like her other books, and it’s always easier to read a story that study a textbook. My favorite thing about this book was that makes the war seem like a story I’venever read, even though most people know the major events of the war. Her style ofwriting keeps you guessing what’s next....

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