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n 1914 a world war broke out. A war that would crush millions of lives, destroy lifetimes of work and cause hate that lasted for generations. On 1918, an armistice was signed. This did not put the blame on any of the nations for the war but just called a stop to the war until a peace treaty was agreed upon. This peace treaty was created and signed by Germany in 1919, in the hall of mirrors in the palace of Versailles. At the time of the signing of the treaty, Germany's army was ruined, its people exhausted and its government collapsing. Three countries out of the 'big four' (The big four being the countries that drew up the treaty: Britain, USA, Italy and France.) were greatly affected by the war causing them to have a vengeful intention whilst drawing up the treaty. Germany was defeated; the treaty of Versailles was the final blow. I intend to explain and answer the question: "Were territorial changes the main reason why the Germans were angered over the treaty of Versailles?" I do not think that they were the main reason. There were other parts of the treaty that affected and humiliated Germany greater. I shall prove this as we go through the essay. I am now going to give and explain certain parts of the treaty, their causes, their affects and their relevance. There were many territorial changes to Germany after the war due to the treaty of Versailles. The most relevant one was the decision to give Poland a coastline, the Polish Corridor. This was a piece of land running through the center of Germany, splitting it in two. By seperating the rest of Germany from East Prussia, Germany was severely weakened. East Prussia had been a source of great revenue and the political elite for Germany. This humiliated, weakened and angered the Germans. Getting the land back was going to be a source of national pride for a long time. Another territorial change that the Germans did not expect (Alsace-Lorraine was originaly French land and the Ge...

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