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GeorgesJacques Danton and Leadership

What is a leader? A leader as described by Webster’s Dictionary is, “person who has commanding authority or influence.” A man in history who certainly fits that description is Georges-Jacques Danton of France. Danton had a trouble childhood that included losing his father before his third birthday, and having several encounters with animals that would eventually leave him deformed for life. Danton’s early political promise showed most one day in grade school. Back then, the punishment for students was not detentions or demerits, but instead they were struck on the fingers with a ruler. One day, Danton’s friend Par could not recite the assigned text, but refused to put out his hands for punishment. So, Danton stood in his defense and spoke out against the corporal punishment. He spoke so well, that the administration of the school banned that type of punishment. He special ability to speak publicly became he key trait to persuade audiences of all types to concur with his views and really listen to what he had to say, and in turn made him out to be one of the most respected leaders of the French Revolution. Georges-Jacques Danton’s leadership inspired the elimination of monarchy in France and the introduction of a republic as seen from his duties in the National Convention, Committee of Public Safety and his role during the Reign of Terror.First, Georges-Jacques Danton’s significant leadership during the French Revolution was highlighted by his efforts to partake in the National Convention. The National Convention was similar to our modern Congress, and it passed bills and undertook the same responsibilities as our Congress. One can observe that Danton was an upstanding political leader in France during his time from the quickness at which he was voted to his chair in the Convention. He was voted as a delegate of Paris before fellow colleagues Desmoulins and Robespierre. He also had...

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