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Civil War2

"Reasons and Results of the Civil War" The Civil War was a very critical event in American History. It started by many disagreements between the North and the South. For blacks as for other Americans, the Civil War was a strong voice preaching the needs for devotion and allegiance to form a justified nation. After the war ended there were many results that would forever linger throughout America and the world.The South was known as the Confederate States of America, seceded from the North, which was known as the Union. The seceding of the South was because of four decades of intense sectional differences and conflicts between both South and North. The secession of the Southern states was not an instinctive act. Situations arrived which dug deeper and deeper and secession was inevitable. Northerners wanted profound economic, social, and political change and the South was thriving for an independent nation. Their views on life counteracted those views from the North. The South had a number of reasons which uncut their ties to the North, but the main reason being the North's view on slavery. The North favored a loose outlook of the U.S. Constitution. They wanted to increase government powers and technological improvement such as rebuilt roads, railroads, and canals all sponsored by the government. On the other hand the South wanted to withhold all undetermined powers to the individual states and to withhold all these projects. The predominant issue why the South seceded was the slavery issue. The South wanted and called for slavery and would do anything they could to keep it. Cold-heartedly the slaves were items and if taken away would put a huge dent in investments towards Southerners. The value to the slaveholding planter class was immeasurable. Northerners demanded for collective bargaining to develop goals such as free education, better salaries and working conditions for workers, and better rights for woman. Northe...

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