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Cherokee Indians

The Cherokees are a North American tribe. This Indian tribe has a lot to do with our history. It is the biggest Indian tribe that we have today.The Cherokee tribes had a wide range where they lived across the United States, from Texas to the Great Lakes. The tribes started in Asia, and over time they ended up in the Great Smoky Mountains. In Georgia, the government tried to run all the Cherokee off of their land. But when they appealed it, it failed. The government even tried to buy the land, but the Cherokee wouldn't sell it. The government tried everything to get them to sell, and finally in Oklahoma a Cherokee tribe wanted to sell. It was in 1835 when around five hundred Cherokee agreed to sell their land for $5,700,000. Today the land that the Indians sold is called Oklahoma. In Oklahoma, the Cherokee culture was just about killed off. In Oklahoma, the Cherokee live on the reservation and off the reservation. The Cherokee occupations range from fishing to modern business management.Hunting and fishing was started by Native Americans. The Native Americans made traps of all kinds, even for fishing. They would hide underneath bluffs, then they would have the other Indians run herds of bison to their hiding spot. The bison were easily killed. Large animals were hunted with stone tipped spears, then their meat was roasted over fires inside coastal caves. Hides were used for clothing, shoes, and blankets. The Cherokee tribe would make crafts. They would do this in their spare time. Fishing was very easy for them too. They would use a net or a weir trap. A weir trap is a fence or enclosure set in a waterway. In the Northwest Pacific Coast area, tons of salmon were speared at the rapid rivers. Sea shells were used for knives, tools, and utensils. Colorful feathers, gems, and shells were strung with animal hide and worn for identity. Houses were made with wood and covered to keep them dry. Fire places ...

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