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Catherine The Great

Almost every nation in the world has experienced a revolution. A revolution can be simplydefined as "a change." When a country undergoes a revolution, its ideals that it once believed in arebeing modified. Sometimes revolutionaries act intellectually, yet others may respond physically throughdestruction. Some may be peaceful, some short lasting, and some pointless. Historians do argue onidentifying whether a revolution has occurred. Revolutions usually follow a rupture in the nation'sevents, are directed by a hero, have an ideology and belief system, and use symbols or tools to get itspoints across to the people. Cuba and its leader today, Fidel Castro, have their own roots in arevolution that took place only some forty years ago. The causes of the Revolution itself laid behindthe military dictatorship of General Batista.The overthrow of the June 1952 elections by Batista indirectly led to the Cuban Revolution. Withthis event the weakness behind Cuba's politics was revealed to the people. Their economy also fluctuatedbetween high and low profits. Because Cuba, after the destruction of land in Europe in WWII, had themost sugar production in the world, small farm owners prospered. Yet because sugar was the only majorcrop they produced, Cubans suffered when economies in other nations prospered. This in turn resulted inunemployment in the cities. With these circumstances, Cubans showed more oppression to their governmentand soon began to be rebellious. However, Batista jailed, exiled, executed, and used terror and threatsof violence against all the challenges he faced. The people became even more unhappy, until finally arupture occurred.While earning a doctorate of law in Havana, Fidel Castro began to participate in student protestsagainst Batistan polices. Castro housed weapons and prepared his supporters in the university campus inHavana. He organized a surprise attack on the Moncada barracks in the Oriente Province on...

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