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Benedict Arnold

Benedict Arnold was different: a military hero for both sides in the same war. No general was more imaginative that Arnold, no field officer more daring, no soldier more courageous, yet Arnold is known, not as a hero is but as a villain. A military traitor who, as commander of the American fort at West Point, New York, in 1780, schemed to hand it over to the British.This all came about following his promotion to commander of Philadelphia in 1778, after being crippled when his leg was pinned beneath his horse during battle. While stationed in Philadelphia, he met Margaret Shippen and married her the subsequent year. Margaret was known as a talented young woman of a good family, who at nineteen was half his age and was abruptly falling into debt. The Arnold money quickly disappeared on account of a lavish social life among the Loyalist families of Philadelphia. In need of money Arnold then began his 16-month treasonable correspondence with British commander in chief, Sir Henry Clinton. Before he officially became commander of West Point, he revealed this information to the British and asked for 20,000 for betraying his post. When the Americans captured Major John Andr, who was Arnold?s British contact, he had incriminating documents in Arnold?s handwriting, including routes to find access to the fort. Arnold escaped on the British frigate Vulture, leaving Andr to be hung as a spy. While fleeing, he tried to justify his treason in a letter to George Washington stating ?love to my country actuates my present conduct, however it may appear inconsistent to the world, who very seldom judge right of any man?s actions? Several factors sparked Arnold?s hostility and treachery. These included the promotion of junior officers over him, charges by Pennsylvania authorities that he had violated military regulations, which led to his court-martial, and the need for money to pay his wartime expenses and his extravagant lifestyle in Philade...

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