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Asian American History

Chan proved that many asian americans have been victims of political disenfranchizement, exclusionary immigration laws, economic discrimination. physical violence, prejudice, and social segregation.Political disenfranchizement is due to govermental views of others and trying to limit foriegn rights and freedom. A good example of political disenfranchizement is the Naturalization Act of 1790. This act reserved the naturalized citizenship only for the free white person.Exclusionary immigration laws try to keep certain races and ethnic immigrants out of the country. The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 does just that. This act made it unlawful for chinese to enter the U.S. for labor purposes. This act was only intended to last ten years, but it was renewed in 1892,and again in 1902 indefinatly.Economic discrimination acts made certain ethnic groups and races pay a larger tax or tariff due. A good example is the foreign miners tax. This tax was primarily against Chinese although in theory was to apply to all foriegners. Another category that Asian American immigrants are victims of is physical violence. An example kof this is the case of People vs. Hall of 1855. This case is about the murder of a Chinese man by a white man who was convicted of the murder, but the desicion was overturned by the supreme court because a white man could not be convicted by a chinese person.Prejudice against Asian American immigrants occurred in the U.S. vs. Thind case of 1923. Thind who was from India was stripped of his naturalized citizenship eventhou he served for the U.S. in the WWI. The reason why he was stripped of his citizen ship was because he was considered "not white."Social segregation occurred in Mississippi with the Gong Lum vs. Rice case. Martha Lum was kicked out of an all white school because she was considered "colored."All of these categories have happenend around the entire U.S. and are probably happening today to some extent. W...

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