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Adlof Hitler

One of the most prominent names in the history of the world is Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitlers impact on the twentieth century is much more than any other man. Whether this impact is considered good or not, it does not matter. Hitlers influence on the world, although not a good one, is unquestionable. Many leaders have had inspirations of ruling the world, but few of those leaders have had the strength or power to even attempt world domination. But Hitler was one of those few, his ability to lead a group into a fight for immoral purposes, and total control over Germany led to his dominance. Hitlers promise to Germany to bring the country back to a major power status lured the country into his rule. Germany had visions of power and greatness, and Hitler was the leader who was going to accomplish that for them. So with power in mind, Germany followed Hitlers lead, which led to the annihilation and almost extinction of the Jews in Europe. We have all heard the horror stories of the concentration camps, and the events that were a part of World War Two. It is sad to say, but only a man who had great intelligence and leadership qualities could lead such a battle. No man before Hitler reigned in so much power, and no man after him has even come close. Although his actions were not justified, Hitler became the most dominant man in the world. Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 in the Austrian town of Braunau. He was the fourth child of Alois Schickelgruber and Klara Hitler. Two of his siblings died from diphtheria when they were children, and one died shortly after his birth. Hitlers father was a customs official, illegitimate by birth, which was described by his housemaid as a "very strict but comfortable" man. When Hitler was a child, his mother gave him love and affection. When Adolf was three years old, the family moved to Passau, along the Inn River on the German side of the border. A brother, Edmond, was b...

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