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elderly health care

The social aspect that Im presenting in class is the topic of elderly health care. Health care for the elderly is an often over-looked issue and this can cause many problems. One of the problems facing the field today is the fact that many of todays people are living longer thus causing a population boom in those 65 and older. Therefore there is not enough money to support those that need it. The problem with raising money comes in to play because many of todays elderly cannot work due to physical or mental impairments that come with aging. The U.S. Government funds programs like Medicare and Medicaid. Medicare is designed to help pay the benefits for elderly people such as hospital stays, nursing homes, medications, and any other medical benefit. Medicaid is the funding from the government that pays for those same things but for those that are in the poor social class of elderly. Along with these programs are other smaller types of private insurance programs but since they only a small percentage of the help that is given to elderly people, they are often over-looked as an important aspect of the health care field. Since the population of people 65 and older is rising in rapid amounts the funding for their health care is going to need to be reevaluated. There is no proposed plan to aid this growing and approaching problem those in the elderly age bracket, so it will be up to our generation and those behind us to find ways of insuring the well being of the elderly and their health programs. Social Workers in this field are in very small numbers. They are helping out in the rehabilitation of those who are elderly, yet this is not where the problem lies. Since the number one problem effecting the health care of future elderly is there is not enough money to go around, there needs to be more in the field that make it their number one priority to find a way to raise funding for health care programs....

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