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Your Not Fat Just Big Boned

Your Not Fat, Just Big Boned. Many people have heard the terms your not fat, just big boned, well nurished, or perhaps husky. Well, as sombody of my generation might say "WHATEVER". Face it America were fat. I am talking about fat, the spare tire syndrom, or however you would like phrase it, but were still fat. We are all looking for a good get thin quike sceam, you know the one that takes no effert, and possible enjoyable. Then, again I'm afraid to disapoint you, there is not, nor will there ever be, but perhaps it's simpler than most realize. We Americans are fat for several different reasons and they have little or nothing to do with our diets or what we eat.Our obeasity begins when were young. You might have had parents like mine, the parents who said "your not excused untill you eat everything on you plate", or perhaps they commited a double phopa and said "no desert untill your plate is cleared". What ever the case may be, many of us are fat because of it. These phrases become stuck in our heads, and from then on every time we sit down at the table weather it be a lot or a little we will uncontiously eat it untill our plate is clean, or we are physically full. A simple solution to a simple problem, and goes like, this put less on your plate. A few ways to atempt this are spread out your food on your plate, add few veggies and garnishes make it appear to be more than what it realy is. Another would be to drink a large glass of water before you begin to eat, and perhaps just eat slower.The whole idea behind this concept is to fool the mind. Our mind tells us when we're hungry not because our stomach is empty, but because it needs something or it thinks it does, and nine times out of ten being the later. The mind is like any machine in being that we can program and train it for any funtion, all pending knowing how. So in this first method we are simple reprogram it.As we grow older other facters begin to play a roll...

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