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What Causes Cancer

Cancer is the number one killer in America today.We can say the known causes of cancer are radiation,sunlight,pollution,cigarette smokingand improper diets.I will explain the major causes of cancer,but before I proceed let me define the term "cancer."To be defined cancer is an abnormal,uncontrolled growth of cells that can spread beyond their natural boundaries to other parts of the body.Cancers can develop in numerous parts of the body. The importance of radiation as a cause of cancer has been recognized for many years.Exposure to toxic levels of radiation produces genetic damage,and since the genes control cell behavior this can lead either to cancer or cell death,depending upon the dose.the most common type of cancer which is caused by radiation is known as leukemia.Another type of cancer caused by raidiation is ,cancer of the white blood cells. Too much sunlight can also cause cancer.Sunlight is combined of both visible and invisible radiation. The invisible radiation known as ultraviolet light may cause skin cancer, but only if the exposure is prolonged and intense.I would say that the smartest thing to do if exposed to sunlight is use some type of protection on your skin.Vitamin E may offer some protection. It is obvious that cigarette smoking is the single most powerful cause of lung cancer.The increase in risk has been observed not only in men, but more recently in women,for smoking has come engage in activities formerly considered the domain of men. Depending upon the number of cigarettes smoked, and the number og cigarrettes smoked each day can increasethe risk of lung cancer.It is clear that there is a definite and direct dose-response relationship between the smoking dose and the development of cancer.I believe that if someone smokes even a pack of cigarrettes a day it will increase the risk of getting cancer. Eating the right foods in your everyday lifeis very important. The national Academy of Sciences,the Nati...

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