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The Life Span and the Variables that Effect it Our lives, are rather insignificant in the whole scheme of the universe, just imagine that the universe has been around for billions and billions of years, yet we only see a 100-year portion of it. If we get to see that whole 100 years of it then we are considered lucky, the average life span is influenced by so many variables, it is amazing how many things that we have little or no control over can effect the our lives. For instance, genetics is a variable that we have no control over, we do not choose our genetic makeup, it is chosen for us. Yet our genetics influence our lives in such a large way.Through genetics our life span can be affected by disease and abnormalities. Heredity is a major cause for diseases such as cancer, AIDS, heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. These diseases all weigh greatly on our lifespan, and they are transmitted commonly through genetics. The way that these diseases are transmitted from father to child or mother to child is though DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) Another variable that affects the life span is socioeconomic status. This status describes the economic and social classes that the family is in. This affects the life span due to the amount of money that the family can spend on nutrition and medical services. Without the money to provide proper nutrition and medicine a life span is greatly decreased by the risk of death by common disease. On the other end of the spectrum families that are in the higher socioeconomic classes can provide more medical attention to various diseases and thus prevent long-term complications.Culture also has a great effect on the life span of a person; culture is the description for a group of people with the same attitudes, values, customs, and beliefs. This has an effect on a person’s life span because cultural beliefs and values may come into play when dealing with certain medical solutions to ...

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