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Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

My report is on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, or FAS. During the next four paragraphsI will explain the cause, effect, prevention, and common misconceptions of FAS.FAS is a somewhat common disease in babies. One out of every hundred babieshave FAS, and there is a prevention for it. The best prevention of Fetal AlcoholSyndrome is to not drink at all during pregnacy. Although many test’s have beenconducted that show one drink a day during pregnancy did not cause FAS, the best optionis no alcohol during pregnancy.The biggest cause for FAS is with heavy drinkers of Alcohol during pregnancy.Women who drink every day, during pregnancy, tend to have a better chance of having achild with FAS. Women who have children with FAS also tend to use illegal drugs, smoke, drinkto access, have unhealthy diet’s, and do not have medical care during pregnancy. They donot realize their addiction and the fact that they are harming the baby. Furthermore Iwould like to present some facts about the people who suffer from FAS.Children with FAS tend to have the Following:1) Smaller Heads2) Deformed facial features3) Abnormal joints and limbs4) Poor Cordination5) Problems with Learning6) Short MemoriesPeople ages 12-51 tend to suffer from the following:1) Mental Health Problems2) Have trouble with the law 3) Will be confined in prison4) Have drug and alcohol problems5) Disruptive school behaviour6) Inapropriate sexual behaviourThe effects I just listed do not come from a pregnant woming taking one drink ofalcohol. Women should still take warning when drinking alcoholic beverages duringpregnancy. They should take responsibilty and shouldn’t drink to excess. Perhaps onedrink, or even no drinks would be the safest prevention.A common misconception of this disease is that it is genetic and has nothing to dowith the alcohol consumption of the mother. This is completely false. Many studies havebeen done to see if FAS is genetic and the answer is no. If a ba...

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