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Emphysema is a condition of the lungs that involves the over-inflation of the air sacs, otherwise known as the alveoli. Normal functioning of the alveoli helps breathing in normal respiration. Unlike other lung diseases this one can be inherited. This is a disease that can affect people of all ages and genders. In 1994, the number of males with emphysema outnumbered the females by fifty four percent. However, in the two years that followed the difference between males and females decreased by ten percent.Classification: Emphysema is a lung disease that is classified as a COPD. (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)Natural History (Symptoms): A person may notice various signs that will lead them to believe they may have emphysema. The most common symptom that people begin to feel is shortness of breath. Usually, this begins while exercising or taking part in some sort of physical activity. Eventually, they will even begin to feel like they are not getting enough oxygen even when they are just sitting and relaxing. Some other symptoms that could be related are chronic coughing which could worsen in the morning upon waking up, wheezing, and chronic mucus production, which may result in a constant need to clear the throat. Some may notice that they feel fatigued very easily as well. There can also be many health complications that may occur which include recurrent respiratory tract infections and respiratory failure. This is caused by the lungs loss of ability to function properly. There are many physical changes that may occur as well, leading some to believe they may have emphysema. The most common physical change may be in their chest, which takes on a barrel-like appearance. This will happen so that the lungs can make up for the actual dysfunction by expanding. Others may notice a bluish discoloration of the lips and nail beds caused by lack of oxygen in the blood. Swelling and increased fluid in the lungs may also b...

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