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Dont Get Weighed Down

Did you know that one Quarter Pounder from McDonalds has 430 calories, 21 of cholesterol? Add cheese to that Quarter Pounder and you add 100 calories and nine grams of fat. McDonalds is not the only unhealthy restaurant. Pizza Hut, Burger King, and Wendys also contribute to Americans unhealthy eating habits. America needs to stop advertising such unhealthy eating. How often do you hear of a ninety-nine cent special on a salad? Americans like there food fast and don't care to realize the effects that fast foods have on there bodies. Since, the media has such a strong influence on Americans so, I believe that if healthy food is more advertised it will be eaten more. America needs to practice healthier eating behaviors. The media is all about fast food. Who doesn't know the slogan At McDonnell's we love to see you smile? If the media took a step back and focused on positive eating the public will react and chose a healthier lifestyle. Americas leading cause of death is heart disease. The chance of an American dying from heart disease is two out of five. Heart disease is caused from bad nutrition, weight problems, and high blood pressure. Heart disease has increased every year for the past twenty. Why isn't anyone doing anything about it? Heart disease can be fought. A persons eating habits is the number one way to prevent heart disease. Fruits and vegetables are key to a healthy lifestyle. What fast food restaurant has fruit and vegetables on there menu? When do you see a sign for a fruit salad special? The media does not condone healthy eating. Dr. William suggests, Eating as though your life depends on it. Change your eating habits now before your faced with a serious disease. Eating healthy reduces the risk of many diseases and can lead to a happier, longer, and healthier life. The media needs to post this right over ever fast food restaurant. The media has fast food billboards everywhere you look. Every...

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