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The public's perception of beauty greatly differs from what it has been taught. Most people are taught to look at inner beauty, but we are constantly bombarded with images of things that are externally beautiful. So how can we be expected to look at the inner beauty of a person, when we see so much external beauty every day?"Pleasing to the eye; felicity, especially of appearance; graceful or balanced structure; aesthetic perfection."(Webster's Dictionary) These are the definitions Webster gives for the word beauty. But most people are taught that it is so much more. Inner beauty, it is said, is what we should be looking for in a partner. How often can we say that this is true? Children start becoming judgmental of physical beauty at an extremely young age. When in school kids are always fighting to be included with the people that make up the "in crowd." Typically these groups of popularity are the beautiful people and they shun anyone who doesn't match up to the standard of beauty that they have set. Children in school are constantly having their parents buy them expensive clothes in order to be accepted to the "in crowd." Before we realize it has happened, we no longer strive to look for the inner beauty of someone. We begin to focus on an individual's physical beauty. Because of this focus on physical beauty we have a society that caters to the extremely beautiful, long before they think about someone who may not be the model of beauty. The media does not help this situation at all. We have television that constantly portrays beautiful people in the shows and in almost every commercial between the shows. It is almost exactly the same with magazines. The media is and probably always will, unless something drastic changes it, be the biggest pusher of beautiful model type people. One of the most popular things for teenagers and young adults to do, is to become a model. There are so many models out there that portray a look of extreme...

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