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Attention Deficit Disorder

Attention Deficit Disorder otherwise known as ADD is a condition that refers to an individuals inability to control their own behavior or impulse(McEwan 70). This can begin in early childhood and interfere with childrens ability to do well in school and social situations. These patients also have troubles blocking out noise or other stimuli in order to focus on a task or what is being said. ADD is a chronic problem that can be seen as early as infancy and can extend to adulthood. There are two types of Attention Deficit Disorder. The most common form is Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). The characteristic of this type is hyperactivity, which is seen before the child enters school(Parker 15 ). The less obvious is Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), where hyperactivity is not present. The main characteristic of this would be inattentiveness(Parker 15). There are many studies that can show the causes, symptoms and treatments of attention deficit disorder(ADD). There continues to be ongoing research into the actual cause of ADD. Resulted from the landmark 1990 study conducted by Dr. Alan Zametkin at the National Institute states, Strong evidence suggests the most likely cause of ADD is a chemical imbalance or deficiency in the area responsible for attention and activity(Hartmann 43). Also it can be related to abnormalities in the nervous system and ways that messages are sent from the brain. Evidence suggests a strong heredity predisposition. Equally unfounded are variously help opinions that behavior which stems from ADD is caused by social or environmental factors such as poor home and environment. Research has revealed that the brain in a child with ADD may develop differently. The covering of the nerve tissues doe not reach its full maturity. There is growing evidence to support the idea that ADD is hereditary and may be passed from parent to child. It is also more prevalent with in boys than in girls. In ...

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