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Most people dream of living a regular, normal everyday life and watching their children grow up and have families of their own, but for some people these dreams and all their memories from their past can be erased and lost in an ageless disease that affects more then four million Americans today. Alzheimers Disease is a progressive disease that variesfrom person to person and robs its victims of their past and future. Alzheimers Disease isknown as the Great Eraser and turns everyday normal people into helpless and lifelessindividuals who are left being cared for by a caregiver such as family or friends becausethey are unable to take care of themselves. Not only does this disease affect the personwho has the disease but also takes a great toll on the family members who have to livewith the victims. Alzheimers leaves family members feeling helpless, sad, confused andangry because they feel that there is more that they could do or that they could have donewith them in the past when they were more healthier and were able to do more things.Today more then 100,000 Americans die each year from Alzheimers Disease. The numberof deaths keep rising and this is leaving families of the victims looking for answers toquestions that not even scientists or doctors can figure out about the disease, like why thisdisease is caused and how this disease can be cured.Alzheimers Disease is a progressive and irreversible brain disorder that destroysmental and physical functioning in human beings and eventually leads to death, notbecause of the disease itself but because the disease eventually causes the body toshutdown the parts a body needs to keep a person alive. Alzheimers Disease is the fourthleading cause of deaths in adults. Alzheimers Disease is a neurological disease that takesaway a persons memory of their past and future. Alzheimers Disease eventually causes aperson to not be able to take care of themselves anymore. The people who developAlzheimers ...

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