Dependence is defined as a cluster of three or more existing criteria according to the DSM-IV for alcohol dependency over a period of 12 months. According to Riley,substance abuse is commonly referred to as an addiction. These terms are often usedinterchangeably. Dependency occurs over time and is usually taken in excessivequantities causing harm to the individual (Riley, 1998). There is no known cause foralcohol dependency. However, there are contributing factors to the etiology of alcoholdependence. These factors are age, gender, cultural differences, depression, and schizoidpersonality traits. The DSM-IV states, low educational level, unemployment, and lowersocioeconomic status are associated with dependency, although it is often difficult toseparate cause from effect (DSM-IV, 1994, p. 201). Alcohol is more common in malesthan females with a 5:1 ratio. The reason for the high ratio is because females have atendency to drink later on in life due to the increase of stressors. There is a link betweenfamilial history increasing the risk for alcohol dependency, as well as, a geneticpredisposition (DSM-IV, 1994).Symptoms of depression, anxiety, and insomnia accompany alcohol dependencyalong with suicidal ideation. According to the DSM-IV the prognosis for individualswith alcohol dependency is promising. Follow up studies indicate that highlyfunctioning individuals show a higher than 65 percent 1 year abstinence rate followingrehabilitation. Twenty percent or greater of individuals with alcohol dependency achievesobriety without current treatment (DSM-IV, 1994, p. 202-3). Most individualsdemonstrate self control and are able to actively participate regularly in daily activities. Individuals with alcohol dependency slowly increase their social and vocational roleswith the aid of treatment (Reed, 1991). The enzyme acetaldehyde accumulates in the blood with any consumption ofalcohol. Most treatments involve the use of Disulfi...