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Welfare is an issue that affects us all in some way or another. Whether we are paying for it out of our own pockets with taxes or we are the ones who are benefiting from it. Too many of us wish that something should be done dealing with the welfare system. So many people are on welfare. If you were to look back at all of those who are on welfare, then you would be able to see the variety of people. There are those who are really in need of financial help. Then there are those who desperately take advantage of the system. They are the one’s who have made some many people want to change the welfare system. Each month recipients are given a check and based on the number of children in the family and the income the parent or parents bring in. Many of these recipients are young single mothers who continue to live off the state. Knowing that they do not have to pay for anything, they keep on having children, the more the kids the more the cash flow. So we as a state our financial supporting children. On the other hand, there are those who have a household of two parents who both work and still are not able to make ends meet. They are the ones who are not taking the system for granted. They are grateful that there is other help around. However, it is sad that those who are not so grateful are ruining the system. In order to be on welfare, guidelines are slowly changing. I have learned from the news and the paper that you are only allowed to be on welfare for a certain period of time, which I believe to be 2 years. In that two-year period, you are required to go and find a job. There are classes that are offered to teach those how to prepare for and interview, and some job skills that can improve their chances of getting and keeping a job. I hope that this plan will work in order to get more and more people off welfare. We have let those on welfare take advantage of the system for too long now. Many people feel diff...

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