The City of Melbourne which has a population of about 71,382 is operated under the Council-Manager form of government also known as the City-Manager plan (City of Melbourne, “About Melbourne”). The Council-Manager form of government wasdeveloped in 1908, and today is the most prominent form of local government in theUnited States. Over 3,000 governments operate under the Council-Manager form ofgovernment. The Council-Manager form of government is especially popular inCalifornia, where about 98% or the cities use it (Burns, 190). The Melbourne CityCouncil performs the legislative functions of the city: establishing laws and policies. It iscomprised of six council members elected on an at-large basis to serve four year terms. Each council member is elected by his or her district in a city-wide non-partisan vote. The City Council appoints a City Manager to serve as the City’s chief administrativeofficer. The City Manager is responsible for implementing the policies of the Council,directing business and administrative procedures and appointing departmental officialsand certain City Employees. The Manager also prepares a budget to be looked over bythe council. Council members and citizens sometimes count on the manager to providecomplete information, pros and cons, and consequences of policies and plans. The CityCouncil members have the authority to terminate the manager if he or she is notresponsive to the council’s wishes.The Melbourne City Council has many functions. The City Council are thecommunities decision makers. The City Council establishes City government policy,passes resolutions and ordinances, approves the budget, sets tax rates and makesappointments to various non-elected boards and authorities. These actions are takenduring formal meetings which are open to the public. The City Council meets on thesecond and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 7:30 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chamber. Most...