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Government in education has always been a disputable topic. The Republican Party believes that the role of federal government must be limited. Teachers, parents, and school boards should have most of the control over schools. The party is in favor of home schooling and calls for enforcement of laws that would protect the familys privacy to do so. As college tuition continues to rise, Republicans want to increase the access to these universities with savings accounts. These savings would target higher benefits for students who take more challenging courses in high school. There is also much debate over prayer in schools. The Republican Party continues to work to get voluntary prayer back into schools. I think that the most important aspects of President Bushs plan are to: require annual testing of grades three through eight, provide five billion dollars to ensure that every child can read by the third grade, and provide 2.4 billion dollars to train and recruit highly qualified teachers.Education is a top Democratic priority. The party believes that every failing school in all of America should be turned around or shut down and then re-opened with new and better leadership. Every eighth grader in the country should be comfortable using a computer because technology is everything around us now and more important, the future. Democrats believe strongly in a zero tolerance policy towards guns in schools. The party also believes that character education is extremely important in our schools. There are three elements to better schools in a Democratic view: reduce class size, modernize facilities, and hire new teachers. Teachers should also be paid more because they are professionals.The Libertarian Party believes that in our current school system, poor kids end up at the worst schools. Wealthy parents can afford to send their children to better or safer schools while poor parents have no choicebut to send their kids to public schools which a...

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