Consumer Protection in Health Care Finocchio, et al., "Strengthening Consumer Protection: Priorities for Health Care Workforce Regulation," in Longest, Contemporary Health Policy, pp. 311-350.Janet Corrigan, Linda Kohn, and Molla Donaldson, "Setting Performance Standards and Expectations for Patient Safety," in Longest, Contemporary Health Policy, pp. 259-279.Bryan A. Liang, "Error in Medicine: Legal Impediments to U.S. Reform," in Longest, Contemporary Health Policy, pp. 281-309.Mark A. Rothstein, "Genetic Privacy and Confidentiality: Why They Are So Hard to Protect," in Longest, Contemporary Health Policy, pp. 483-494.4/4 GUEST LECTURE:Betsy J. Walsh, JD, MPHSenior Special Counsel, Novant Health, Inc.,Professional Affiliate, MHA Program, UNCC"The Law and Medicine: Protecting the Patient"...